Sunday, May 31, 2009


Celebrate the day! Today is an awesome day in that it is .......... (of course the wind is not blowing, the sun is shining and there is a possibility of afternoon rain) .......

I am almost out of the old storage unit and will move remaining thing to a smaller one with the hope of being out by the end of the summer .......

Been finding all kinds of things in boxes .... childhood (my kids) memories ...... books i forgot i had ..... dishes, quilts, artwork and so much more ........ And there are the "WHY?" things ..... (not going to list) ...... if i calculated the cost of keeping all of these things ....... that pottery mug with my blue flowers (the cheap one not the good one) is worth big bucks ...... The Goal is to downsize what is there to fit in less than 1/3 of a 8x10 storage shed in plastic containers .....

Kids if you are reading this time to come and get your stuff ..... blond daughter has the most ..... she said she'd take it home with her when she comes and changes out horses next month. She has no clue what is waiting for her....

I anticipate Celebrating the end of an era ----- storage queen ----- very shortly!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Time Stealers ....

Time Stealers ......
Lately i have been thinking about time ...... the clock is ticking ...... no this is not a morbid thing but a realization about the need to be intentional with the use of this valuable commodity. We are all given a set specific amount of time for our day 24 hours - i believe that that breaks down to 1440 minutes or 86400 seconds ..... taking the stance that on an average work day there is 9 hours used for work time ( i have virtually no commute time) and 6 to 8 hours for sleep - that leaves between 7 and 9 hours to be self productive ..... getting things done and down time ...... how is it that i spend these hours? I'm lucky i have no TV, other than movies and no internet at my house. Soooooooo i should be getting tons of things done, right? As the kids used to say NOT!
So what is it i am doing? To my credit i am running around in circles trying to get @10 things accomplished in a limited time and almost doing it, but is there a better way? In my case the answer is most likely. What is tripping me up? 'TIME STEALERS' ; the following of rabbit trails when i should be focused on the task at hand, not having all that i need pulled together so i can get the job done, not having a plan (in some cases a clue) for what i need done, and the list could grow .... the list of things i want done grows on a daily basis ..... and the thing i need to do just to maintain does not seen to shrink ...... is there hope?
Of course there is. The question is am i willing to look for and make changes? (i wouldn't be writing this if i didn't want the changes, duh) but that takes it back to the question am i willing to make the changes? think about this ..... i want a change but am i willing to make the change ....
Time stealers:
Spending the day reading (my personal favorite), procrastination, not being focused on a task, Facebook, internet games (lol, down time at work!), e-mail, internet period when not used for a specific reason (i can find an online computer... i'm here aren't i?), looking for things that should already be somewhere else, no plan of action ........

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Look at the Shoes!

Look at the shoes .....
This is a serious ceremony, a wedding, dressed in traditional clothing .... well till you get to the shoes (they appear new and white)
What things do we add to our traditions to make them our own, to make them comfortable ..... is that a good or bad thing?