Saturday, February 7, 2009

Why worry

Winter, it does not seem to want to come to this end of the world. Weather has been fantastic, today almost 70 ..... I know from the past that cold weather is out there ..... I so do not want to have to go out and feed in the cold and wet .... Why worry about what has not come to be ....... Jesus tells us not to worry in Matt. telling us to look to the birds and the flowers ..... God feeds and clothes them, are we not more important ......
Recently God told me to sit back and enjoy his love ....... that is not something I have really thought about, much less done. Last Sunday morning on the way to work I told Him that I wanted a present from him, I acknowledged I did not deserve anything but I wanted something anyway. (truthfully, I was thinking in the candy bar or coke realm) And as with much that comes out of my mouth I forgot my request ........... When I got home the girl in the other house came out and gave me a ring she had found up north that reminded her of me, I thought cool beans, God's gift. A copper ring with horses running on the front. I love it. I then went to go out to dinner with some people from small group, one of the ladies decided she was treating, and we were going to one of the best restaurants in town, Wow, a second gift, way out of the coke and candy realm I had wanted to settle for ...... THEN on Monday....... things fell into place and I was given a pick up truck ......... WAY past the candy and coke realm ...... This has been real lesson in 'more than I can ask or think' ...................
As this next week unfolds, I am asking God to keep me mindful that He loves me more than I can process in my simple human mind ........... That He is aware of my needs, wants and even likes ........ I think I will take the time to curl up and enjoy just being with God ........

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