Monday, February 28, 2011

Discipline of Water; one gallon at a time. The begining

Such a long time ...
Thinking i should change the name to something else, but that would not get me back here to do what i started out to do .... to capture where i am, where i have been and look to the future ... Perhaps it would work better if i did not have to come sit inside of an unheated space to write ... Wait, i missed summer months too ....

As the picture above shows .... my kitchen froze not to long ago, well really the whole trailer froze .... solid! It took over a week for the water to unfreeze in the pipes (i capped it off before that happened) and another few days for the septic to unfreeze. Did you know that that when a tomato freezes it looks normal until you touch it? Did you know that a computer does not like the cold and mine will not work when the temp gets into the 40's and lower ... How about a lighter will not work when it gets really cold ... Keep those matches around folks! The milk in your breakfast cereal will freeze, in 20 degree temp, before you can eat your cereal!

There is so much that the everyday person in America takes for granted ...

I am taking a time out and looking at life differently (as if i already wasn't). I am going to name this time of my life ---Discipline of Water; one gallon at a time.
Because of the extent of possible damage and the unavailability of plumbing supplies i have chosen to keep the inside water cut off until warmer weather and the return of pvc to the shelves. Thankfully i have water on the property, it is just a matter of bringing it inside ... a much shorter distance than most of the water toting people of the world.

Every glass of water i drink, pot of coffee, ounce of water i use inside the house must be a forethought ... i must plan for everything i do using water. That includes flushing the toilet and washing my hands --even taking a bath and washing my hair. Only once have i forgotten that i was going to wash my hair when i bathed ... not a good time to realize you need another gallon of warm water .... I am learning about the need to plan for the simple things.

It would appear that God has directed me to a time where simplicity is the very best course of action. Most days i find it joyful and funny in my new life ... where i don't it can be a direct cause of lack of planning or forgetfulness (not the same thing, trust me). One of the positive sides of all this is find that i gauge the daily crises, of myself and others, on their actual life threat value. Sometimes .... that is good thing, sometimes not! It is hard to feel sorry for a friend who is telling me how broke she is because she can not pay for her new washer and dryer this week and has to wait. My washer is outside and laundry for me is an interactive event, the shut off on the washer does not work and i must play the part or risk flooding the front yard. I am glad my friend is able to get a new set, i am laughing that waiting a week is a crises. Her old set still works and her life is really not inconvenienced. Then i wonder would this be me had i chosen to live differently ...

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