Left the last post at the thought of truth, found a wonderful quote off a friend's blog and like any good friend copied it and it goes as follows:
What is truth? Here's (oh, you'll never guess who I'm gonna quote) Nouwen on the matter:"Jesus sends us the Spirit so that we may be led to the full truth of the divine life. Truth does not mean an idea, concept or doctrine, but the true relationship. To be led into the truth is to be led into the same relationship that Jesus has with the Father; it is to enter into a divine betrothal." (Making All Things New 54)
This comes off Looking Deeper a awesome blog that comes from a wonderful christian woman, check it out....... her reading list is something to look into.
As long as I can remember the fact that as a christian I am the bride of Christ has been taught. This little twist in how I think opens a whole new door in which I can enter and explore. The Word talks about 'walking in the Truth', a right relationship is much easier to walk in than .... an idea, concept or doctrine ..... for we walk in a relationship with God whether or not we acknowledge Him or not. It is our choice how healthy that relationship is.
HOW HEALTHY IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM? All relationships need upkeep, don't let the daily grind keep you from enjoying this one.
Another word for the day, Jessi kicked Nita's butt yesterday, not sure how bad at this point, I did get to put up more fencing separating the two ladies yesterday, I even strung wire fencing on my own ..... I did get to see some of Jessi's anger as she lit into Zeb, poor boy..... Jessi has gotten a little (lot) 'touchie' since the colt came home, I put copper in her water with the hopes this is a hormone problem, and I explained to her the difference of MEGA B**** and plain B****, the plain is what we all work for and the MEGA is not acceptable. Lets see how she took that lecture.
One other situation there is a kitten under the porch, it came out of the nest and for some reason mom and dad did not go get it last night, sure had healthy lungs this am. If still yelling when I get home I have to decide if I go under the porch and get it or leave it to nature (guess which will be the option). Kids I think I already have a home for it if I can get it to eat freely ......
Today would be a good day to knock down the dried weeds and get ready to burn on my days off. Kudos to the outside cats for keeping the mice and rats away from the houses ..... Moved Toby, the border collie, closer to the hay, he is having a blast digging out rodents in his new location, If I were wise I would move him around the top part of the property and clear out the rodents.
Still have not gotten on the roof yet, that is a must .... and I need to get the oil changed on the car .... get hay ..... dry vegetables .................................
Did discover one of the neatest snacks .... dried green chili .......... I am in love ...... wish I had more chili to dry .......
Enjoy your day!
I have read several quotes from Henri Nouwen, he makes you think. I am going to get the bookmobile to see if they can get some of his books for me, you should try to find some of his works, also.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Life's un-realistic directions
In the last week the "Odd News, Online" has held several unique articles, one on the need to give chimps 'person-hood' because they are dying off and that the greater the smell of a mouse fart means that he is lowering his blood pressure. Yes I do look for the strange articles to read.... Darwin would be proud, what he could not do in his 15 minutes of fame, the green people may pull off..... after all the chimp is the closest of our relatives on this earth, right? I do not think so. We do need to be mindful of the other creatures on this planet, God gave man the job to watch over things, but granting them person-hood!!!! If that happens we will have to give them Medicaid and food stamps, and I will be responsible in my taxes to support the poor chimps that are being held against their will in zoos and other places ...... OH wait we can let them go live in the forest where the spotted owl used to live before they moved out because the green people allowed it to become to overgrown and they, the owls, could not get to the mice on the floor of the forest. Before anyone outside of my realm starts to react, be advised I do have some solar power on my property and am looking into converting to wind/solar for the majority of my power, I recycle and I know how to hyper-mile my car.... But I do not have to agree or pay for the humanization of a chimp and I can express my discuss at the thought.....
When my kids were younger, when I was younger, I had mice and rats for pets, I was under the impression that there were things you did not give them because they did not have the ability to burp or fart ie.... carbonated beverages would kill them ..... used coke to kill wild mice around the house, it worked........ not any more barbaric than the snap traps ...... There is a study, yes we most likely paid for it, that studied the chemical make-up of a mouse fart and it's relationship to the mouse's blood pressure...... If this is real then more power to them ..... This study also destroys the idea that the beans or the orange juice is what is making you stink.... JUST TO TAKE THE WEIRD ANOTHER STEP ..... who decided that mice fart, how did they know, how bad can a mouse fart smell???? and how totally awesome is a mind that would even put the idea of a fart and blood pressure in the same sentence..... I always had trouble with coming up with the unique science fair questions, this guy must of been one of the all time science fair winners, or he smokes pot and just thinks tooooooooooooooo much.
The simple fact both these articles are out there is a striking reflection on where the world is going.... We as a people could care less for the people under bridges, jobless, and homeless. But are concerned that the chimp might feel slighted on it's way off this planet that we did not recognize it as an individual while it was here. IN MY HOUSE, IN MY WORLD all my animals are considered a separate being and each has their own personality, from the inside menagerie to the wild cats and rabbits that call my land their home..... I'm not asking you to pay for my beliefs now or down the line.....
Where is this all going? it was much more entertaining that the political garbage which is being strong across the airwaves,
Before my co-worker left to go home and go to bed we talked about where God is going to allow this Country to go in the next few years. Perhaps we are on the cusp of the end of times, or just another worldwide depression. What ever your take on it, we are going to enter into some real interesting times...... I have been amazed at how the economy is existing on such a false premise. and has done so for years, what makes us think we can bail out some of the system and not all of it? why do I need to pay for the mistakes of others, when mine need help?
not original thoughts..... but valid questions. Told a study group the other night God had it right in the idea of the year of jubilee, lets just give every one a clear slate, and those who built their empires correctly will continue on and those who did not will get a chance to start over, I do not mean that people have to give up what they have but a cancellation of all debt. think about that .... sure somewhere someone will feel exploited, that is the rule of self..... but I bet it would work better than bailing some out and leaving the rest, the lowly middle class and poor to flounder. But I really like the e-mail that said lets give the bailout money to the tax payers and we'll pay our taxes on that money (giving money back to the one who gave it to us) and we could all pay off our debt and get head. concept...... Again only words and thoughts ..... no positive action......
Just spent @5 minutes looking for something to have on the TV here at work, the selection runs mostly in the areas of lust and murder, and most contain both ..... decided to try the public TV that is going to be gardening and woodworking ..... wonder why the above conversations can take place ..... the mind set of the people is what they fill their minds with ...... what is your mind full of? and where did it come from? what were you watching today? what were you listening to today? How much of what you spent your time on today was truly edifying to yourself and others? These are areas that I am looking into in my life. These are questions that I am asking myself. Where Do I Positively touch others in my everyday words and actions? Do I? In the things I've been reading and the discussions I've had in some of my groups, people, myself up front, are self deceiving, we see what we want to see and acknowledge what we want to acknowledge. When and where do we allow the truth to manifest itself? And most importantly what do we use as the basis of our Truth? I believe in the God of the Christian/Jewish Bible. The more I look into what is written in that Book the greater the appreciation that it was put into writing such a long time ago....
When my kids were younger, when I was younger, I had mice and rats for pets, I was under the impression that there were things you did not give them because they did not have the ability to burp or fart ie.... carbonated beverages would kill them ..... used coke to kill wild mice around the house, it worked........ not any more barbaric than the snap traps ...... There is a study, yes we most likely paid for it, that studied the chemical make-up of a mouse fart and it's relationship to the mouse's blood pressure...... If this is real then more power to them ..... This study also destroys the idea that the beans or the orange juice is what is making you stink.... JUST TO TAKE THE WEIRD ANOTHER STEP ..... who decided that mice fart, how did they know, how bad can a mouse fart smell???? and how totally awesome is a mind that would even put the idea of a fart and blood pressure in the same sentence..... I always had trouble with coming up with the unique science fair questions, this guy must of been one of the all time science fair winners, or he smokes pot and just thinks tooooooooooooooo much.
The simple fact both these articles are out there is a striking reflection on where the world is going.... We as a people could care less for the people under bridges, jobless, and homeless. But are concerned that the chimp might feel slighted on it's way off this planet that we did not recognize it as an individual while it was here. IN MY HOUSE, IN MY WORLD all my animals are considered a separate being and each has their own personality, from the inside menagerie to the wild cats and rabbits that call my land their home..... I'm not asking you to pay for my beliefs now or down the line.....
Where is this all going? it was much more entertaining that the political garbage which is being strong across the airwaves,
Before my co-worker left to go home and go to bed we talked about where God is going to allow this Country to go in the next few years. Perhaps we are on the cusp of the end of times, or just another worldwide depression. What ever your take on it, we are going to enter into some real interesting times...... I have been amazed at how the economy is existing on such a false premise. and has done so for years, what makes us think we can bail out some of the system and not all of it? why do I need to pay for the mistakes of others, when mine need help?
not original thoughts..... but valid questions. Told a study group the other night God had it right in the idea of the year of jubilee, lets just give every one a clear slate, and those who built their empires correctly will continue on and those who did not will get a chance to start over, I do not mean that people have to give up what they have but a cancellation of all debt. think about that .... sure somewhere someone will feel exploited, that is the rule of self..... but I bet it would work better than bailing some out and leaving the rest, the lowly middle class and poor to flounder. But I really like the e-mail that said lets give the bailout money to the tax payers and we'll pay our taxes on that money (giving money back to the one who gave it to us) and we could all pay off our debt and get head. concept...... Again only words and thoughts ..... no positive action......
Just spent @5 minutes looking for something to have on the TV here at work, the selection runs mostly in the areas of lust and murder, and most contain both ..... decided to try the public TV that is going to be gardening and woodworking ..... wonder why the above conversations can take place ..... the mind set of the people is what they fill their minds with ...... what is your mind full of? and where did it come from? what were you watching today? what were you listening to today? How much of what you spent your time on today was truly edifying to yourself and others? These are areas that I am looking into in my life. These are questions that I am asking myself. Where Do I Positively touch others in my everyday words and actions? Do I? In the things I've been reading and the discussions I've had in some of my groups, people, myself up front, are self deceiving, we see what we want to see and acknowledge what we want to acknowledge. When and where do we allow the truth to manifest itself? And most importantly what do we use as the basis of our Truth? I believe in the God of the Christian/Jewish Bible. The more I look into what is written in that Book the greater the appreciation that it was put into writing such a long time ago....
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sure wish that I had a machine like in the movies, the one that you talk into as you walk around and it gets saved like a diary. While I was walking around the house and doing dishes I lots to say and think, maybe having the Internet at the house is something to really think about.......
Did want to say that I had a powerful experience yesterday. While in the horse pen, I raised my arms to move Zeb and Jesse back away from Nita and three sections of fence fell to the ground, no one was anywhere by the fence. Think about it, if for some reason Jesse had decided to run I would never have caught the horses, everyone would of followed her awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ... no one went over the fence and I tied one panel to the cholla and put up another t post.....
Having fun with colors, just for anyone's information did put natural blond hair coloring on my hair this morning and it came out red!!!!!!!!!, Ok it is light strawberry but it is still RED!!!!
The weather report states the weather will go down into the low 30 this next few days, My weekend.... will have to cover the plants and or pick and dry lots of green tomato's. I got a strawberry this morning it was not a sweet as the earlier ones, I picked it early when i noticed that the one next to it had a bite taken out of it, most likely a rodent.
Outside kittys are enjoying the fact i forgot i had turkey in the fridg and it got tooooooo old for me to eat, they think i luv them very much. Momma looks like she is still nursing, guess the kittens should be about 4-5 weeks old. have not seen any traces of them, and I need to get the underside of the house covered so the neighbors dogs can't get to this bunch, with the birds of the air and the dogs and coyotes i wonder if i am going to have to worry about an over population of the cats. Oreo got out of the chicken coop and when he came back he was real skittish, he is not even trying to get out when I go in. Something out there is Scary!
Started reading the prophets in the Message Bible, interesting wording. I like the way some things are stated, it makes you think, then there are a few old adages placed here and there that I have trouble with coming from the Word. Of course since i do not have the book with me i can not give an example. Again another reason to have the computer at the house working ... Maybe i should write it long hand at home and bring it in and type it out....... that would make this a much better reading, still having trouble thinking anyone can read what i think .... so much for private thoughts. I'm going to put this to bed and get some dinner, this shift is going slowly, new schedules take time to get used to, almost missed coming in today ,,,,,
Did want to say that I had a powerful experience yesterday. While in the horse pen, I raised my arms to move Zeb and Jesse back away from Nita and three sections of fence fell to the ground, no one was anywhere by the fence. Think about it, if for some reason Jesse had decided to run I would never have caught the horses, everyone would of followed her awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ... no one went over the fence and I tied one panel to the cholla and put up another t post.....
Having fun with colors, just for anyone's information did put natural blond hair coloring on my hair this morning and it came out red!!!!!!!!!, Ok it is light strawberry but it is still RED!!!!
The weather report states the weather will go down into the low 30 this next few days, My weekend.... will have to cover the plants and or pick and dry lots of green tomato's. I got a strawberry this morning it was not a sweet as the earlier ones, I picked it early when i noticed that the one next to it had a bite taken out of it, most likely a rodent.
Outside kittys are enjoying the fact i forgot i had turkey in the fridg and it got tooooooo old for me to eat, they think i luv them very much. Momma looks like she is still nursing, guess the kittens should be about 4-5 weeks old. have not seen any traces of them, and I need to get the underside of the house covered so the neighbors dogs can't get to this bunch, with the birds of the air and the dogs and coyotes i wonder if i am going to have to worry about an over population of the cats. Oreo got out of the chicken coop and when he came back he was real skittish, he is not even trying to get out when I go in. Something out there is Scary!
Started reading the prophets in the Message Bible, interesting wording. I like the way some things are stated, it makes you think, then there are a few old adages placed here and there that I have trouble with coming from the Word. Of course since i do not have the book with me i can not give an example. Again another reason to have the computer at the house working ... Maybe i should write it long hand at home and bring it in and type it out....... that would make this a much better reading, still having trouble thinking anyone can read what i think .... so much for private thoughts. I'm going to put this to bed and get some dinner, this shift is going slowly, new schedules take time to get used to, almost missed coming in today ,,,,,
Monday, October 20, 2008
Finished up the last week of a small group last night. One of the last questions we discussed was about regrets, in loving, laughing, giving and living. All were pretty well agreeded to change anything in the past would possibly place us somewhere else in the now. I like my now, and the bumps and bruises, although painful put me where I am now. Somewhere I read "I am the sum total of all I have lived".
Because of the events of the last 2-3 (15)(54) years, I have looked back and judged what has passed. (For my kids who are reading this, I thank you for my good report) I realized that as a mother I am a success, all of my kidos are out of the nest and are people I am proud to know, while a couple of their lives are currently in change, they have the strength of character to make the decisions to find their true path, the one God has for them to follow. I have also been able to follow a lot of the paths I have wanted to, reached goals and explored areas that interested me. I have to say that there are only one or two things that I had thought of doing from childhood that I have not yet attempted, the rest I have tried and either have moved on or are currently doing.
Having looked at this in the light of last nights discussions, I realize that if I can call something in my life a success then that part is ended and a new dimension has been opened. That was a DUH, moment when I realized that last night on the way home from town.
The committed christian life would have you: love more, laugh more, give more and live more. The joy of the Lord would demand that of us. This is not something we can change in our past, but the now and the future is wide open to change.
by the by the blond hair color has been pulled down off the top shelf and that change will happen soon .....
Because of the events of the last 2-3 (15)(54) years, I have looked back and judged what has passed. (For my kids who are reading this, I thank you for my good report) I realized that as a mother I am a success, all of my kidos are out of the nest and are people I am proud to know, while a couple of their lives are currently in change, they have the strength of character to make the decisions to find their true path, the one God has for them to follow. I have also been able to follow a lot of the paths I have wanted to, reached goals and explored areas that interested me. I have to say that there are only one or two things that I had thought of doing from childhood that I have not yet attempted, the rest I have tried and either have moved on or are currently doing.
Having looked at this in the light of last nights discussions, I realize that if I can call something in my life a success then that part is ended and a new dimension has been opened. That was a DUH, moment when I realized that last night on the way home from town.
The committed christian life would have you: love more, laugh more, give more and live more. The joy of the Lord would demand that of us. This is not something we can change in our past, but the now and the future is wide open to change.
by the by the blond hair color has been pulled down off the top shelf and that change will happen soon .....
Sunday, October 19, 2008
blessings and fencing
It is amazing how much I take for granted, go just a week and a half with out running water, owning livestock and domestic animals, not to mention the daily needs ..... thank you to a special friend who took his time to find a pump, and pull a well which ended up being twice as deep as expected.... LOL It was magic to go home and flush and wash and water.
Making changes to the horse situation, trying to get the whole of the property fenced so that they all can go out and play. That Means ....... putting t-post in the ground, and stringing lots of wire..... found out that you can get quite a goose egg if the t-post pounder hits you in the head, and the headache lasts for days.... did manage to get a pen for a returning horse up by my self and figured out how to straighten curled panels.... blessing in this is the hose will go to the new pen and i did not have to find the other piece of hose i put in a safe place 20 months ago. I need to get the fence up shortly and put up a pen for the old mare, she is not happy in with jesse. I'm hoping the 4 acres will be enough for the two of them to not be ugly with each other. The poor gelding doesn't know whether to run from jesse or chase nita. The trials of living with girls.....
Will go home today and hopefully get the last two holes dug for en posts then the wire strung..... the weather may change this next week and bring rain, would like the charger to have a couple of days of charging before weather comes in. A friend says I am doing overkill on the wire, 3, but i want there to lat least appear to be something there even if it doesn't bite. OH yea, they all will not be hot. thinking i need to do regular gates, but not sure that this fence is where i want it when i get a house.
Am planning on changing my hair to blond, the bump on the head confirmed that would be a good idea.
Making changes to the horse situation, trying to get the whole of the property fenced so that they all can go out and play. That Means ....... putting t-post in the ground, and stringing lots of wire..... found out that you can get quite a goose egg if the t-post pounder hits you in the head, and the headache lasts for days.... did manage to get a pen for a returning horse up by my self and figured out how to straighten curled panels.... blessing in this is the hose will go to the new pen and i did not have to find the other piece of hose i put in a safe place 20 months ago. I need to get the fence up shortly and put up a pen for the old mare, she is not happy in with jesse. I'm hoping the 4 acres will be enough for the two of them to not be ugly with each other. The poor gelding doesn't know whether to run from jesse or chase nita. The trials of living with girls.....
Will go home today and hopefully get the last two holes dug for en posts then the wire strung..... the weather may change this next week and bring rain, would like the charger to have a couple of days of charging before weather comes in. A friend says I am doing overkill on the wire, 3, but i want there to lat least appear to be something there even if it doesn't bite. OH yea, they all will not be hot. thinking i need to do regular gates, but not sure that this fence is where i want it when i get a house.
Am planning on changing my hair to blond, the bump on the head confirmed that would be a good idea.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Weather coming in
According to the weather man there is snow for the northern part of the state, this afternoon as i watched my neighbors fill my water tanks the wind had a big nip in it. Guess this is the end of indian summer, before i left for work tonight i covered the tomato bushes with sheets, in the hope of getting a few more vine ripe ones.
Being with out water for almost a week is a journey did not realize i had a hand washing fetish. If i was just keeping the house going it would not be much to think about. Three horses drink lots of water.... thank God there are neighbors like the ones next door. They have filled my tanks twice during this time and they are planning on keeping me in water till i get my well up and going. I brought in @15 gallons for the house, dishes, bath, toity, dogs & cats. believe i have less than 5 left. Been thinking there needs to be axcess to the water that is not dependent on a pump.
In days of old they got water out of the ground just fine, i only have to dig 150 feet straight down. LOL
I bought this property knowing there would be up-keep, this past few weeks i realized how much... windows need plastic for the winter, roof needs to be patched, lean-to roof also. fencing needs to go up, got news that the colt is coming back and a whole pasture needs to be put in to keep him in. this would be something if i had a clue how to do all this..... but like most everything else if you think about it you can figure it out. there are some disadvantages for being raised a princess..... daddy never taught me to swing a hammer or fix a toilet, gotten fairly good at both.
Decided to try to eat raw for at least part of my week, that means dehydrating the goodies from the garden and learning to rehydrate things without cooking. If i fail at this i'll have lots of soup stuff. Also been making my own bread, haven't gotten the fluffy down, but made some good sandwhich stuff.
Being with out water for almost a week is a journey did not realize i had a hand washing fetish. If i was just keeping the house going it would not be much to think about. Three horses drink lots of water.... thank God there are neighbors like the ones next door. They have filled my tanks twice during this time and they are planning on keeping me in water till i get my well up and going. I brought in @15 gallons for the house, dishes, bath, toity, dogs & cats. believe i have less than 5 left. Been thinking there needs to be axcess to the water that is not dependent on a pump.
In days of old they got water out of the ground just fine, i only have to dig 150 feet straight down. LOL
I bought this property knowing there would be up-keep, this past few weeks i realized how much... windows need plastic for the winter, roof needs to be patched, lean-to roof also. fencing needs to go up, got news that the colt is coming back and a whole pasture needs to be put in to keep him in. this would be something if i had a clue how to do all this..... but like most everything else if you think about it you can figure it out. there are some disadvantages for being raised a princess..... daddy never taught me to swing a hammer or fix a toilet, gotten fairly good at both.
Decided to try to eat raw for at least part of my week, that means dehydrating the goodies from the garden and learning to rehydrate things without cooking. If i fail at this i'll have lots of soup stuff. Also been making my own bread, haven't gotten the fluffy down, but made some good sandwhich stuff.
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