Sunday, October 26, 2008


Left the last post at the thought of truth, found a wonderful quote off a friend's blog and like any good friend copied it and it goes as follows:

What is truth? Here's (oh, you'll never guess who I'm gonna quote) Nouwen on the matter:"Jesus sends us the Spirit so that we may be led to the full truth of the divine life. Truth does not mean an idea, concept or doctrine, but the true relationship. To be led into the truth is to be led into the same relationship that Jesus has with the Father; it is to enter into a divine betrothal." (Making All Things New 54)

This comes off Looking Deeper a awesome blog that comes from a wonderful christian woman, check it out....... her reading list is something to look into.

As long as I can remember the fact that as a christian I am the bride of Christ has been taught. This little twist in how I think opens a whole new door in which I can enter and explore. The Word talks about 'walking in the Truth', a right relationship is much easier to walk in than .... an idea, concept or doctrine ..... for we walk in a relationship with God whether or not we acknowledge Him or not. It is our choice how healthy that relationship is.

HOW HEALTHY IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM? All relationships need upkeep, don't let the daily grind keep you from enjoying this one.

Another word for the day, Jessi kicked Nita's butt yesterday, not sure how bad at this point, I did get to put up more fencing separating the two ladies yesterday, I even strung wire fencing on my own ..... I did get to see some of Jessi's anger as she lit into Zeb, poor boy..... Jessi has gotten a little (lot) 'touchie' since the colt came home, I put copper in her water with the hopes this is a hormone problem, and I explained to her the difference of MEGA B**** and plain B****, the plain is what we all work for and the MEGA is not acceptable. Lets see how she took that lecture.
One other situation there is a kitten under the porch, it came out of the nest and for some reason mom and dad did not go get it last night, sure had healthy lungs this am. If still yelling when I get home I have to decide if I go under the porch and get it or leave it to nature (guess which will be the option). Kids I think I already have a home for it if I can get it to eat freely ......
Today would be a good day to knock down the dried weeds and get ready to burn on my days off. Kudos to the outside cats for keeping the mice and rats away from the houses ..... Moved Toby, the border collie, closer to the hay, he is having a blast digging out rodents in his new location, If I were wise I would move him around the top part of the property and clear out the rodents.

Still have not gotten on the roof yet, that is a must .... and I need to get the oil changed on the car .... get hay ..... dry vegetables .................................

Did discover one of the neatest snacks .... dried green chili .......... I am in love ...... wish I had more chili to dry .......

Enjoy your day!

I have read several quotes from Henri Nouwen, he makes you think. I am going to get the bookmobile to see if they can get some of his books for me, you should try to find some of his works, also.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

You're sweet, friend.
I love, I love, I love Nouwen's stuff. What an amazing mind - a deep, deep soul. Did I mention I like Nouwen's writings? haha