Monday, October 20, 2008


Finished up the last week of a small group last night. One of the last questions we discussed was about regrets, in loving, laughing, giving and living. All were pretty well agreeded to change anything in the past would possibly place us somewhere else in the now. I like my now, and the bumps and bruises, although painful put me where I am now. Somewhere I read "I am the sum total of all I have lived".
Because of the events of the last 2-3 (15)(54) years, I have looked back and judged what has passed. (For my kids who are reading this, I thank you for my good report) I realized that as a mother I am a success, all of my kidos are out of the nest and are people I am proud to know, while a couple of their lives are currently in change, they have the strength of character to make the decisions to find their true path, the one God has for them to follow. I have also been able to follow a lot of the paths I have wanted to, reached goals and explored areas that interested me. I have to say that there are only one or two things that I had thought of doing from childhood that I have not yet attempted, the rest I have tried and either have moved on or are currently doing.
Having looked at this in the light of last nights discussions, I realize that if I can call something in my life a success then that part is ended and a new dimension has been opened. That was a DUH, moment when I realized that last night on the way home from town.
The committed christian life would have you: love more, laugh more, give more and live more. The joy of the Lord would demand that of us. This is not something we can change in our past, but the now and the future is wide open to change.

by the by the blond hair color has been pulled down off the top shelf and that change will happen soon .....

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