Saturday, November 1, 2008

answered prayer

I love the weekend ..... understand this is not my weekend, I work a shift so my weekend comes mid week for most of the world, this is a time where people try to relax and have a good time. I work in a county sheriff dept ---dispatching .... I also run EMS ..... Sooooooooooooo think about it, if people are having fun and not getting into trouble, I'm ok with that....

Spent the last week watching Nita. Jesse hurt her bad last week and the old lady took a few days to work out the sore, I did get her a seprate pen built and she will not share a pen or pasture with jesse again, ever. Was hoping that Jesse's attitude was hormones and a little copper would fix things, WRONG. Got the ladies at the bookmobile looking for a book on herbs and horses, hope to find something in that.

As I said I spent a lot of time watching Nita, which translates to PRAYING, which causes thinking..... Guess it was Monday, there were a couple of animal issues here at work, one of my co workers little (less than 3lbs) dog got lost, a cool dog at the shelter was facing being put down unless the owner was found, one of the guy's dog was bitten by something and was real sick, then there was Nita...... I went home that night and spent some good time with the Lord...... the end result ..... Wed the little dog came home skinnier than before but ok, the owners of the dog were found, and Nita is moving and eating almost like before, the other dog is still under the weather, and going to the vet on Monday. She is 14yo and been with out the use of her back end for quite a while. The Point, I needed answered prayer in my life, I needed God to say he is listening to me and I'm where I should be at the present...... This week (in the animal realm) God let me know He is there and listening. Don't give up on Pepper yet, I haven't. As some of you know I believe in geriatric animals and their amazing ability to keep on going.

What is it that happens when we pray and do not see the immediate results of change? That is where we have to choose to believe that prayers are truth and have the very real ability to change a situation. To do otherwise is to null and void the time and energy used in the original asking. Thinking back, I do not remember a whole lot of teaching on the hanging on to part of praying, could be because I come out of the Episcopal tradition, and well that should of been covered in Sunday School or at the very least conformation class..... might of been, I do not remember. What little teaching I did get I got from some good teachers, and I am extremely thankful. One called it 'bull-dog faith', the kind that attaches itself to something and does not let go. 'Speaking the Word' over a situation, 'Standing In Faith', all of these terms denote some kind of action on the part of the one believing, and depending on the situation some hard work.

Does prayer always work? YES! Our problem is that we sometimes give up on God before He gets the chance to work. And even better, we are not asking................ or are asking outside of the conditions where prayer is acceptable, and that my friend opens a whole new door......

In defence of the Episcopal Church, the tenants of their faith are awesome, they are not always taught, and not always followed, as with everything else in life ...... taking directions are the option of the person needing them .... out there but not always wanted...............

1 comment:

Scott-n-Allena said...

Thanks for that. I needed that today! Having a rough "faith day". Love you