Friday, November 7, 2008


Just stopping by before I go do stand-by at a football game, the temp should be in the mid 40 to high 30's, burrrrrrrrrrrrrr
By my front door is a note it reads: the test is not in the situation, but in how you react to the situation.

I have heard how so many Christians are distraught over the results of the elections ..... this is not our test, what is, is what we are called to do from this point on. If you searched God and acted on what you believe he wanted you to do, ie. voting. then you did what you were suppose to do.

"BUT WE PRAYED (for different results)"

Yes, but did we pray for God to be in the elections, I know the group I prayed with did, then the result must of been in God's hands, and we are right where we should be. Think about that.....
For a lot of people that will mean getting back before God and seeking direction. I truly do not know what the future holds with this new president, how the world will react to him, even how we will react to him .....
The word says we are to pray for out leaders, maybe this is a calling to prayer for some of us lazy people who would leave the praying for others ...........

Obama was not my first choice for president, however is now is my president. MY JOB is to pray God's wisdom and direction into his life and actions from this moment on ...... I believe my prayers will be answered. The word states that our hope is in the Lord, and all we have to do is call .............

Fret not, for your help comes from the Lord

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