Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Continued from art

Connection with others ............ Unconditional love .... Profound, tinder, enthusiastic, affection for another from a perfect, unlimited, nonjudgmental positive (non hostile) position.
Supporting, to carry the weight of another without giving way, to provide w/necessities of life, to endure and tolerate/ to submit to, and to uphold as valid.
endure- to bear patiently w/out yielding (not letting go)
tolerate - to allow w/out hindrance- put up with
Nurture, to feed and protect, encourage, educate, train (a life giving relationship).
Friend, attached. bound by emotional ties or affection (devoted to).
devoted- earnest attachment to __________
profound dedication to __________
Hostile, characteristic of an enemy, someone who wants harm or has prejudicial feelings towards another. Opposing words and or actions.
Does the above describe how you interact with others, Christian or not ........ Wait the hostile part ...... OH yea, we are to be non-hostile, the opposite of ............. Stop and think about it .....

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