Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sleeping, moments

Again another photo that came in via E-mail. Some people have the best luck taking pictures, my animals are cute till the camera comes out then it is: duah!!!!! aren't these guys cute .....

Do not know why but it seems like I can not get enough sleep lately, maybe it is the cold winter, nah, we have had weather in the mid to high 50's, with lots of sun. In fact for all the days I get to sleep in the day time (graves) there will be plenty of sun ..... (if it is light you need to be up and doing) ..... I have tricks to make me believe it is ok to be asleep when the sun is out ..... This does look good, being outside in the sun and (warm) just lazing around .....

Told the other animals that I wrote about Diva yesterday and they all said ' why her, why not me ..... ' LOL Will have to watch for fun things to talk about.

Got a Blessing today, was able to switch shifts and will be able to go to small group early for the dinner that is planned, the pastor's B-day is on monday ..... Get to go home and find something to fix......

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